2020 Stolen

This is the official 2000 Mules movie.

Below are the instructions to purchase and watch:

1. Purchase the movie or an annual subscription at 2000mules.locals.com.
2. Make sure your email addresses on Rumble and Locals match. If they do not match, this movie will not be available on Rumble and will only be available for you on Locals.
3. If you are using the website or app, reload the page. The movie will play directly on this page. If not, you can still watch it directly on Locals.com.
4. If you are using ROKU, you must access the film under the SUSBSCRIPTIONS tab and under DINESH D’SOUZA account for it to work. This means you must be subscribed to his channel and must login.

If Fraudulent Votes From Mules Removed From Biden’s Total In These States, Donald Trump Wins

In all five swing states analyzed by #TrueTheVote, Joe Biden’s winning margin varied from a narrow margin:

➤ Georgia (about 12,000)
➤ Arizona (about 11,000)
➤ Wisconsin (about 21,000)
➤ Pennsylvania (about 82,000)
➤ Michigan (about 155,000)

On May 31, 2022, True the Vote presented findings from their bombshell investigation into ballot harvesting in Maricopa and Yuma counties to the Arizona State Senate