Sarah Westall

Sarah Westall – Business Game Changers Courageous Reporting on Issues that Matter: Big issues, disruptions, and cutting edge innovation. Each episode brings you leading experts, visionaries, and newsmakers to provide insights on trends, fluctuating markets, and important issues.

  • Food Supply Collapse Likely, Economic and Cultural Crisis, Underlying Factors w/ Brian Reisinger

    Food Supply Collapse Likely, Economic and Cultural Crisis, Underlying Factors w/ Brian Reisinger –

  • Trump’s $500 Billion Stargate Initiative, AI Singularity, Fear Porn & More w/ Patrick Hedger

    Trump’s $500 Billion Stargate Initiative, AI Singularity, Fear Porn & More with Patrick Hedger –

  • Infants Dying at Alarming Rates, USA Worst in Developed World w/ RFK Jr Advisor Angela Stanton-King

    Infants Dying at Alarming Rates, USA Worst in Developed World w/ RFK Jr Advisor Angela Stanton-King –

  • 10 Billion Trump Lawsuit against CBS 60 Minutes, Ukraine Bio-labs and more w/ John Mark Dougan

    10 Billion Trump Lawsuit against CBS 60 Minutes, Ukraine Bio-labs and more w/ John Mark Dougan –

  • Freezing USAID and its Operations in Ukraine: A Massive Money Laundering Organization? w/ Sam Anthony

    Freezing USAID and its Operations in Ukraine: A Massive Money Laundering Organization? with Sam Anthony –

  • Can a Compound Mimic Exercise & Its Benefits? Giant Leaps in Science and Health w/ Dr Diane Kazer

    Can a Compound Mimic Exercise & Its Benefits? Giant Leaps in Science and Health with Dr Diane Kazer –

  • United States in a Two Front War, Identify Military Psyops and Special Operations w/ Jeffrey Prather

    United States in a Two Front War, Identify Military Psyops and Special Operations w/ Jeffrey Prather –

  • RFK Jr Report, Constitution Suspended, War Time Procedures in Place, WHO Exit, DOD w/ Sasha Latypova

    RFK Jr Report, Constitution Suspended, War Time Procedures in Place, WHO Exit, DOD with Sasha Latypova –

  • “Crackhead Jesus” Shares the Truth and the Surgeon who was a Serial Killer w/ Artist Victor Hugo

    “Crackhead Jesus” Shares the Truth and the Surgeon who was a Serial Killer with Artist Victor Hugo –

  • New Science Maps Frequencies to your Unique Fat Map – Revolutionary Insight w/ Sharry Edwards

    New Science Maps Frequencies to your Unique Fat Map – Revolutionary Insight with Sharry Edwards –

  • Psychological Warfare, Modern Weapons of War, Panama Canal, Special Ops & more w/ Michael Yon

    Psychological Warfare, Modern Weapons of War, Panama Canal, Special Ops & more w/ Michael Yon –

  • Trillion Dollar 5G Lawsuit, Project Archimedes, Mind Control & DEW Weapons w/Attorney Todd Callender

    Trillion Dollar 5G Lawsuit, Project Archimedes, Mind Control & DEW Weapons with Attorney Todd Callender:

  • Former NASA Scientist Claims the Drones are Ours but the Orbs are Not w/ Richard Lighthouse

    Former NASA Scientist Claims the Drones are Ours but the Orbs are Not with Richard Lighthouse –

  • Mysterious Fog and California Wildfires Both Contain Dangerous Elements w/ Dr Robert Young & Hazen

    Mysterious Fog and California Wildfires Both Contain Dangerous Elements w/ Dr Robert Young and Hazen –

  • California puts Children 2nd to Big Pharma Profits, Chemically Castrating Boy w/out Dad’s Consent

    California puts Children 2nd to Big Pharma Profits, Chemically Castrating Boy w/out Dad’s Consent –

  • Leaked Intel Report – Mass Casualty Event, Disturbing Evidence in LA Fires w/ Dave Hodges

    Leaked Intel Report – Mass Casualty Event, Disturbing Evidence in LA Fires w/ Dave Hodges –

  • Cabal Loses Control, Crackdown Back Fires & Day of Reckoning Coming w/ Sam Anthony

    Cabal Loses Control, Crackdown Back Fires & Day of Reckoning Coming w/ Sam Anthony –

  • Weaponized Chaos – Worst in Modern History; Changing Geopolitical Landscape w/ Andy Schectman

    Weaponized Chaos – Worst in Modern History; Changing Geopolitical Landscape w/ Andy Schectman –

  • Loss of Confidence in the Medical System, Real Facts and Data w/ Dr. Michael Schwartz

    Loss of Confidence in the Medical System, Real Facts and Data w/ Dr. Michael Schwartz –

  • How they Use Mind Control Tactics to Undermine Ourselves w/ Cynthia Chung & Matthew Ehret

    How they Use Mind Control Tactics to Undermine Ourselves w/ Cynthia Chung & Matthew Ehret –

  • Comparisons: Maui Fire and North Carolina Hurricane – Land & Resource Grabs w/ Michelle Melendez

    Comparisons: Maui Fire and North Carolina Hurricane – Land & Resource Grabs w/ Michelle Melendez –

  • Black Pilled vs Learning Reality and Maintaining Perspective, AI Reality w/ Johnny Vedmore

    Black Pilled vs Learning Reality and Maintaining Perspective, AI Reality w/ Johnny Vedmore –

  • Fake or Real Alien Invasion, Military Advanced Craft & UFO Research: Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer

    Fake or Real Alien Invasion, Military Advanced Craft & UFO Research: Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer –

  • AI & Automation: College Educated Jobs more likely to be Automated than the Trades w/ Daniel Satchov

    AI & Automation: College Educated Jobs more likely to be Automated than the Trades with Daniel Satchov –

  • Can We Trust Trump to Deliver on Promises? Can we Trust Other Republicans? w/ Steve Stern

    Can We Trust Trump to Deliver on Promises? Can we Trust Other Republicans? with Steve Stern |

  • Inside Intel: Why Trumps New DEA Pick Stepped Down, Cleaning up the Corruption w/ Sheriff Mack

    Inside Intel: Why Trumps New DEA Pick Stepped Down, Cleaning up the Corruption w/ Sheriff Mack

  • Will the Economy Collapse by Design Before Trump Takes Office? w/ Andy Schectman

    Will the Economy Collapse by Design Before Trump Takes Office? w/ Andy Schectman –

  • Dying to Be Thin: Ozempic & Obesity, Shedding Massive Weight Safely Using GLP-1 Receptors, Dr. Kazer

    Dying to Be Thin: Ozempic & Obesity, Shedding Massive Weight Safely Using GLP-1 Receptors, Dr. Kazer –

  • Internet Utiliizing Health and Love Frequencies vs Damaging EMFs – The Future can be Amazing

    Stephen Fantl and Errol Francis rejoin the program to explain how the Okanagan Indian Confederacy is a separate nation like Washington DC and Vatican City. They explain how this allows LOVEPOD to protect data by international treaty. We also discuss how the LOVEPOD’s revolutionary design will change how humans communicate around the planet. The router changes the EMF signals to harmonize with […]

  • Digital Slavery and Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve w/ Tom DiLorenzo

    Digital Slavery and Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve with Tom DiLorenzo, President of the Mises Institute –

  • Massive Change is Due to Earth’s 26K Year Cycle, More Change Coming w/ David Dubyne

    Massive Change is Due to Earth’s 26K Year Cycle, More Change Coming with David Dubyne –

  • EXPOSED PT 2: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering & Trafficking Ring, Shawn Taylor

    EXPOSED PT 2: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering & Trafficking Ring, Shawn Taylor

  • EXPOSED PT 1: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering & Trafficking Ring, Senator Mark Finchem

    EXPOSED PT 1: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering & Trafficking Ring, Senator Finchem –

  • Power of Nocebo and Placebo in Health & Politics. Quantum Energy Advancements w/ Ian and Philipp

    Ian Mitchell and Phillip Samor Von Holtzendorff-Fehling rejoin the program to discuss the incredible gains in the quantum energy work their team have accomplished. They share the recent placebo controlled studies and what it means. We also discuss the effects of Nocebo, the opposite of placebo. Nocebo can be found in health, politics and every day life with the same power as placebo and positive […]

  • Dr. Robert Young’s Response to Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Criticism: Zeolites, Sea Plasma & Professionalism

    Dr. Robert Young’s Response to Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Criticism: Zeolites, Sea Plasma & Professionalism –

  • Cancer Cases Exploding & Authorities Persecute One of the World’s Top Cancer Doctors w/ Dr. Makis

    Cancer Cases Exploding & Authorities Persecute One of the World’s Top Cancer Doctors with Dr. William Makis –

  • Trump Appointees Trigger Panic, Will the Wars Continue? BRICS Power Play w/ Harley Schlanger

    Trump Appointees Triggers Many as Extremes Take Hold in the United States –

  • Eliminating Predators, the Cartel and Deep State Criminals w/ Sam Anthony

    Eliminating Predators, the Cartel and Deep State Criminals – Discussing your News with Sam Anthony

  • Why Realistically Gold Could Increase to $100,000+ to Pay Off the National Debt w/ Andy Schectman

    Global economy expert and President of Miles Franklin, Andy Schectman, returns to the program to discuss the reality of gold reaching over 100K per ounce as a means of paying off the national debt. He believes this is an option the government has to rebalance the US economy. We discuss this and other influencing factors impacting the world economy. Learn more about investing in precious metals by […]

  • ARPANET and Who Really Invented Blockchain: Reconstructing Reality w/ Bryan Ferre

    Parler Creator, Bryan Ferre, Discusses Who Really Created Blockchain, ARPANET, and Our Reality –

  • Panopticon Prison Surveillance State is Humanity’s Current Reality w/ Eric & Glenn Meder

    We are stuck in a Panopticon Prison Surveillance State – How do you shield yourself from 24 hour Surveillance –

  • LovePod: Preparing Humanity for the Next Age: Harmonizing Body Frequencies & Military Grade Advanced Tech

    WIFI can use Frequencies that harmonize with your Body. The LOVEPOD fixes our EMF problems –

  • Tesla Files and Trumps Uncle, UFO Files, the Electric Universe & Suppressed Science w/ Todd Callendar

    Todd Callendar and Sarah Westall Discuss the Tesla and the UFO Files, Suppressed Energy, the Worldwide Financial System and more…

  • WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: Chauvin Attacker, FBI Informant & Cartel Member Speaks Out w/ Maryam Henein

    WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: Chauvin Attacker, FBI Informant & Cartel Member Speaks Out w/ Maryam Henein –

  • Pentagon, High Level Gov Officials & their Foot Soldiers are Planning an Insurrection: Millie Weaver

    Pentagon, High Level Gov Officials & their Foot Soldiers are Planning an Insurrection: Millie Weaver –

  • Sabotage & Chaos Planned to Derail and Stop Progress of Trump Admin w/ Hodges & Preston

    Sabotage and Chaos is being planned to derail the Trump Administration w/ Paul Preston and Dave Hodges –

  • Mind Control Experiments on Kids: Drug addicted, Depressed, Suicidal by Design w/ Eric Meder

    Mass Mind Control Experiments on Youth: Depression, Porn & Drug Addicted and Lost – After School Talk provides critical Thinking Skills to Help overcome the Programming w/ Eric Meder

  • Operation Gladio: The Operation that Funds the Cabal’s Dark Projects with Colonel Towner-Watkins

    Colonel Towner-Watkins explains Operation Gladio and how it funds the Cabal’s Operations –

  • Decoding Lies & Intentions, Analyzing Personality & Health Profiles by Frequency w/ Sharry Edwards

    Sharry Edwards explains how her mutated Ears allows her to “hear” the Frequency Math Matrix we Live in –

  • A New Era has arrived and the Mainstream Media is Officially Done w/ Sam Anthony

    Mainstream Media has collapse News Room by News Room across the Country – –

  • Incredible Findings Disclosed: New Solutions – Dr. Group, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Ealy, Dr. Schmidt

    Healing for the Ages Docs join Sarah Westall to share incredible Findings and Solutions –

  • Remote Viewers on Antarctica, Hive Mind & Our Future w/ Dick Allgire, Edward Riordan, Daz Smith

    Remote Viewers Dick Allgire, Daz Smith and Edward Riordan discusses the most interesting Sessions of the past Year –

  • Eliminating Agencies & Restructuring Gov Scares Deep State, Rising Tensions w/ Bill Walton

    Are there many Federal Agencies that need to be eliminated? Why the Deep State is fighting Back w/ Bill Walton –

  • Bail Ins Started & BIS Project MBridge Controlling BRICS & the One World System? w/ Andy Schectman

    Bank Bail Ins have Started & BIS Project MBridge, is it controlling the BRICS the One World System? w/ Andy Schectman –

  • ALERT: Incoming False Flags – Intel Report on Cabal Actions before 2024 Election w/ Dave Hodges

    Dave Hodges shares latest intel on the potential of False Flags and Unrest –

  • Collapse of a System: Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse & China’s Play w/ Former SVB CEO Ken Wilcox

    Former Silicon Valley Bank’s CEO, Ken Wilcox, discusses the collapse of SVB & China’s Banking Agenda –

  • Is our Magnetosphere being Destroyed? Why it Matters for all Life on the Planet

    Is our Magnetosphere being Destroyed? Why it Matters for all Life on the Planet –

  • Are you being Duped? Woke Right vs Woke Left, Infiltration & Operations w/ James Lindsay

    James Lindsay takes on the woke Right and exposes their Tactics and compares them to the woke Left – Featuring Beneath Sheeps Clothing –

  • Do YOU have White Privilege? Taking on the Man w/ AJ Rice

    AJ Rice tackles current cultural realities with satire and comedy in his latest book, The White Privilege Album. He joins Sarah Westall to discuss comedy & its role in solving serious issues –

  • Future Humans 100% Synthetic down to the individual Cells w/ Hope & Tivon

    Future Humans 100% Synthetic down to the individual Cells w/ Hope and Tivon –

  • Did YOU Lose Money? Crypto Community vs SEC: Investors are Pushing Back Against Corruption & Coercion

    Crypto Investors are fighting back after SEC is found implementing corrupt practices to take down Crypto Market –

  • High Stakes Game: Who will win the Monetary System War for Financial World Control? w/ Andy Schectman

    Andy Schectman returns to discuss the global war to control the world’s financial system – This will change all of our lives –

  • Stormy Daniels vs Trump: Supreme Court Decides: Is the Trump Gag Order to Protect a Corrupt Judge Constitutional?

    New York Judge Arthur Engoron issued Trump Gag Order to cover for his corrupt association with the Harris Campaign – Supreme Court will Decide –

  • How the Cabal shuts down access to cures for AIDS, the Flu and other diseases w/ Dr. Fernandez

    Dr. Dan Fernandez shares his protocols and explains how his infrared light machine cures AIDS, the Flu and bacterial and viral diseases –

  • The Step by Step Playbook Laid out for the Communist/Technocrat US Takedown w/ Trevor Louden

    Trevor Louden returns to the program to discuss the play by play operation to take down the United States by the communists (and the technocrats). They intend to rebuild the ashes into their Utopian communist delusion. He shares how you can see the parallels in ongoing actions all around us. Its important to see the playbook, otherwise you are ignorant to their tactics. He also shares his new […]

  • UN & WHO: Forced Vaccinations and Internment Camps, Common Law Solutions w/ Christopher James

    Christopher James rejoins the program to discuss his battles with Health Canada and Masterpeace. He describes how they are actively trying to keep safe and effective supplements from the public. He also describes the UN Pact for the Future and the WHO amendments. He shares how these two global entities with unelected bureaucrats intend to implement forced vaccinations and internment camps […]

  • Land Grab Disguised as a Fire and a UN Smart City forced on a People w/ Michelle Melendez

    Michelle Melendez joins the program to explain what really occurred in Lahaina Hawaii. Now that time has passed, she and others have been able to collect more information and assess what is really going on with Maui and the apparent land grab disguised as a fire. You can read inside details about this catastrophe at You can follow Michelle Melendez […]

  • EXPOSED: Tate Brothers in their Own Words w/ Common Sense Skeptic *WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT*

    Common Sense Skeptic joins the program to breakdown the allegations and indictments against the Tate brothers, the social media phenoms who have 40 million followers. He explains the lawsuits ongoing and we deconstruct the truth by looking at the best sources possible, the Tates themselves. We also share clips from the victims attorney and other witnesses. The show is an eye opening expose of the […]

  • Civil War Sentiment Getting Scary, Real Polling Harris vs Trump w/ Rasmussen Reports Mark Mitchell

    Mark Mitchell, head pollster at Rasmussen reports, joins the program to discuss the latest polling numbers on everything from the election to civil war. We discuss how polling companies have abandoned the notion of quality in favor of projecting an agenda. We also discuss the disturbing trend towards civil war sentiment and how profoundly those ideas have shifted in a short amount of time. You […]

  • Operation Sandman and is the Quantum Financial System Legit? w/ Andy Schectman

    Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin rejoins the program to discuss the possibility of Operation Sandman being initiated and what that could mean to the US dollar and to the world. We also discuss the Quantum Financial System; what it could be and whether it is legit or not. To protect your financial well being, contact Miles Franklin at and tell them “Saran sent me”. You will […]

  • Top Scientists are Dying, Blocking Important Trials & Alternative Treatments w/ Matt Hazen

    Matt Hazen, CEO of Masterpeace, rejoins the program to discuss the ongoing trials with Masterpeace and the incredible obstacles and roadblocks they are encountering along the way. From scientists mysteriously dying to the FDA blocking legal harmless products that many other companies also use and import. The issues companies endure when their very safe and effective products threaten the profit […]

  • Behind the Scenes of the Parler Take Down, Fight to control the Internet w/ Amy Robbins

    Amy Robbins, Director of Media Relations for Parler, joins the program to discuss the behind the scenes look at what happened to Parler. We discuss how they were taken down and what they have done to protect themselves going forward. They have been down for over 3 years and are now back stronger and independent from the big tech controllers. She shares their story. You can sign up for Parler or […]

  • The Cult Mind, Controlling Science, History, Literature w/ Matthew Ehret

    Historian and documentary film maker, Matthew Ehret, rejoins the program to discuss the hidden history of the cults and how they have made it difficult for us to know the truth about science and our past. We also discuss how controlled scientific principles have been used to slow human advancement and enable certain powers to control the release of new innovations throughout history. He also […]

  • World Control: UN Summit of the Future, Cyber Polygon Event w/ Courtenay Turner

    Courtenay Turner rejoins the program to discuss the UN Summit of the Future and the Cyber Polygon Events that are behind the globalist agenda to create a world government. She shares what these events are and what they mean to the globalists 2030 and 2045 plans. You can follow Courtenay Turner on her website at   Links Mentioned in previous shows: Sign up for my […]

  • Government Programs Spraying Toxic Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide w/ Reinette Senum

    Former Mayor and Gubernatorial candidate, Reinette Senum, returns to the program to discuss her efforts with the Save our Skies efforts. This organization does the detailed research and activism needed to stop the toxic spraying in our skies. She details how you can distinguish a true chemtrail from regular exhaust. She also explains how you to can get involved. Learn more […]

  • CIA Control Over Media, Controlled Constructs w/ Media Insider Scotty Saks

    Former Hollywood producer and mainstream media expert, Scotty Saks, joins the program to describe what it was like working in the industry. He explains how the news media was fed 4am talking points and how the deep state used that to control the narrative. He also shares some personal stories he had that changed his entire perspective on the world. You can follow Scotty on his website […]

  • Massive Media Coverup for Years: The Truth about Walz – Its EXTREME w/ Rep. Hudson & Senator Lucero

    Representative Walter Hudson and Senator Eric Lucero from Minnesota join the program to share their eye opening personal experience with Tim Walz. The media protected him with an ongoing operation that created a shield so the people did not know what really was going on. This conversation exposes the truth. You can follow Walter Hudson at or on TwitterX at […]

  • “The Most Valuable Intellectual Property in the World” – Reggie Middleton’s Patents

    A powerful group of associates who represent Reggie Middleton joins me to discuss his case and the patents. You will learn the incredible coercion by the SEC to flip witnesses while trying to take control of Middleton’s valuable patents. The group shares their own experiences and explains why they believe his patents are the most valuable patents that exist in the world. You can learn more about […]

  • Economic Collapse? Government Coverup about Economy, 800K+ Jobs w/ Mises Scholar Njoya

    Mises Scholar, Dr. Wanjiru Njoya, joins the program to discuss the state of the economy and how the government is lying about the conditions including the latest lie about 800K+ jobs being created. The lies keep piling up as they are exposed for their malfeasance. We also discuss free market capitalism, the pros and the cons and how it the law should manage it. You can follow and read her work at […]

  • Deep State Operation: Massive Well Funded Campaign to Disenfranchise Voters w/ Craig Huey

    Craig Huey, marketing expert, joins the program to discuss how the deep state is spending millions to disenfranchise voters to convince them to stay home. The goal is to win by convincing the disenfranchised away from the polls. This leaves only the most brainwashed voting and a wide open opportunity to steal the election again. You can learn more about Craig Huey and his work […]

  • RFK Jr Trump Endorsement & NEW DATA: Real Death Numbers, Real Injury Numbers w/ Steve Kirsch

    Journalist Steve Kirsch joins the program to review the latest numbers surrounding COVID and the aftermath of the jab program. He has new data out of the Czech Republic that was retrieved by their Freedom of Information Act. We discuss why we do not have the data from the United States or other Western countries. We also discuss the RFK Trump endorsement and what that may mean. You can follow […]

  • Terrorist Watch Lists, How Everyone is being Targeted w/ Richard Lighthouse

    Former NASA scientist, Richard Lighthouse with Targeted Justice, rejoins the program to discuss the technology behind the government targeting programs. He shares how agencies are unfortunately targeting each and every one of us with sophisticated tracking technology. He shares the patents and explains the technology. He also shares the upcoming Targeted Justice conference and how you can attend […]

  • Coup has already Occurred, 2024 Election Will Not Happen w/ Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf joins me to discuss the 2024 election season and all the strangeness. She predicts that the election won’t take place; that an event of some sort will cause it to be suspended. This will ultimately usher in a communist dictatorship led by the democrats. She claims that in reality the coup has already taken place and she elaborates on why she believes this. It is true that we are […]

  • American Memory Hole – How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation w/ Donald Jeffries

    Author and Historian, Donald Jeffries, rejoins the program to discuss his new book, American Memory Hole, How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation. We discuss topics such as early American History, Woodrow Wilson’s eugenicist record, FDR’s corruption, Joe McCarthy, Kennedy’s real past and more. You can buy this riveting book […]

  • UCC Legislation was designed for the Great Taking of your Home & Assets w/ Rep. Julie Auch

    South Dakota State Representative, Julie Auch, joins the program to discuss the UCC legislation that was changed over the past decade in every state to facilitate the great taking of your homes and security assets. We discuss the simple 2 line reversal of the UCC legislation that is necessary to protect you from the great taking. Legislators all around the country, on both sides of the isle, are […]

  • (*Fixed Audio*) Sarah Westall joins Mike Adams: The technocratic Orwellian overlords have weaponized EVERYTHING against humanity

    Sarah Westall joins Mike Adams to discuss the mental and physical control grid that has and is being put into place. She explains that there are millions of scientists and engineers who are capable of understanding this technology and could be warriors in the fight against this intrusion on our free will. They also discuss the Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare series on Brighteon […]

  • Toppled Gov: 30K+ Students Dead or Injured, Bangladesh w/ Strong Middle East Ties: Cynthia McKinney

    Former congress women and professor, Cynthia McKinney, joins the program to discuss the revolution and collapse of the Bangladesh government. She is joined by 3 of her students who participated in the overthrow of the corrupt administration. They explain how the government collapsed after over 30 thousand students were shot and either injured or killed. Its an important development in an unstable […]

  • Incoming False Flags and More Chaos before 2024 Election w/ Dave Hodges

    Dave Hodges rejoins the program to discuss the chaos that will likely continue and escalate before the 2024 election. He provides you insight on the chatter we are hearing from sources and what that may mean for what is to come. You can follow Dave at or on his website at   Links mentioned in the show: EMF […]

  • Conflict between Two World Views: CBDCs, the Petro Dollar, BRICS w/ Peter Navarro

    Economist and former advisor to President Trump, Peter Navarro, joins the program to discuss the reasons why he served jail time. We also discuss the economic climate and his views on CBDCs, the Petro Dollar, the BRICS and more. You can purchase Peter Navarro’s latest book, “The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform” on many book stores found […]

  • MK Ultra has been deployed on Everyone w/ Cathy O’Brien

    Cathy O’Brien, the world’s most famous MK Ultra whistleblower and certainly also one of the most courageous, joins the program to explain her journey from victim to survivor and now to warrior of the people. She explains how MK Ultra is being used en masse and how people can deprogram and heal from this insidious destructive force put on humanity. You can learn more about her work and find […]

  • Pop Up Pundits: Who Backs them? What are their Agendas? w/ Professor Darrell Hamamoto

    Former Professor of media and culture, Professor Darrell Hamamoto, joins the program to discuss the new alt media landscape. He calls the heavily supported personalities “Pop up Pundits”; essentially a mainstream takeover of the independent landscape funded by not so independent sources. The point of this discussion is to learn to identify propaganda disguised as independent news and analysis. […]

  • The Real Reasons behind the Economic Turmoil and Wars w/ Harley Schlanger

    Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the crashing markets and the escalating wars worldwide. What is the real motive behind the wars and why is war always accompanying worldwide monetary changes. We discuss the warring factions and how this all plays into what we are seeing today. You can follow Harley and his daily updates at   […]

  • The Programming is Deep and Insidious, Understand the Chains that Bind You – Courtenay Turner

    Researcher and expert on philosophical and psychological texts, Courtenay Turner, joins the show to discuss the deep programming in society. How it starts at a young age and shares advice on how to identify it in your own life. She also shares how philosophy has been crafted to endorse certain “approved” paradigms. Academy promotes philosopher viewpoints with “approved” ideas while other, just as […]

  • Global Cult’s Military Program & Synthetic Matrix Trapping Humanity w/ Prof. David A Hughes

    David A Hughes, PhD, joins the program to discuss the military program and synthetic program that they are literally building for humanity. We discuss what this really means and why its important for people to understand what the ultimate goal for humanity is. It’s daunting, but it helps to explain everything that you see today. You can follow and support Hughes on his Substack […]

  • Cabal rebrands Eugenics into Transhumanism, Depopulation Plan w/ Charlie Robinson

    Historian and author of the book “The Octopus of the Global Control”, Charlie Robinson, joins the program to discuss the history of eugenics and its rebranding to transhumanism. We also the depopulation agenda and the hard questions about how it is actually being implemented. His book focuses on the tentacles of control: Military, Governmental, Covert, Physical, Financial, Media, Spiritual, and […]

  • Dominion Whistleblower: Husband Killed by Cabal Thugs, Faces 20 Yrs in Kangaroo Court w/ Tina Peters

    Tina Peters faces 20 years in prison for daring to speak up and protect the voters in Colorado as the county clerk. She witnessed the federal government and the Dominion Machine company wipe the files that should have been kept by law for 24 months. Fortunately she had a copy and that copy did not match the results of the election. This is why they killed her husband and are trying to put her in […]

  • Regaining Lost DNA & human gene Functions, Tools from the Past w/ Dr. Richard Presser

    Dr. Richard Presser joins the program to share how a lost protocol to restore human dna function can help people restore health. Their research shows that Nano Soma literally helps the human body regain the ability to make its own vitamin C again and to regulate all 48/9 nuclear receptors (which it has not been doing). This remarkable change in body function will allow your body to heal from an […]

  • MKUltra, Operation Paperclip & Government Operations w/ MKUltra Expert Penny Shepard

    MKUltra expert and survivor, Penny Shepard, joins the program to share her knowledge about the insidious program to control human subjects within the CIA. She reveals information about the origins of the program and starting from the NAZIs continuing thru Operation Paperclip to today. You can follow Penny Shepard on her website at or on her Rumble channel […]

  • Report: What is going on Worldwide that we are being distracted from? w/ Christopher James

    Christopher James returns to the program to discuss the activities going on around the world while we are all distracted on the political clown show. We also discuss his ongoing work to help people use common law courts to finally find justice outside of the broken corporate justice system. You can learn more and follow his work at   Links Mentioned in previous […]

  • Sandy Hook: Alex Jones, Elon Musk and Weaponizing the Legal System w/ Prof. James Fetzer

    Professor James Fetzer returns to the program to address the hardest questions about the Sandy Hook school shooting. Fetzer addresses the debunkers questions; focusing on the most damaging evidence from the event. He also discloses new evidence that shows, without a doubt, that the Sandy Hook event needs to looked at seriously without the weaponization of the courts. Meaning it needs to be […]

  • Central Bankers Frontrunning Dollar Collapse & Buying Gold, Khazarian Takedown w/ Andy Schectman

    Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin, joins the program to discuss the incredible takedown activity of the western financial system by the elites. As he says, “its too stupid to be stupid”. Their activities show they have been preparing for years and now are supporting actions that would destroy the system. We also discuss if the BRICS are purposely taking down the Khazarian mafia western […]

  • Former Navy SEAL and Assassination Expert Reveals Trump Insights w/ Don Mann

    Former Navy SEAL and author of over 20 books, Don Mann, joins the program to discuss his insights into the Trump assassination attempt and other issues. Mann has been an expert consultant for many countries on how to avoid assassinations which he discusses in his latest book, “History’s Assassins: Motives for Murder”. His most notable book, “Inside SEAL Team 6”, was a New York Times best seller. […]

  • Compressing Brain Development – From Years to Days, Instant Body Recovery and More! w/ Ian Mitchell

    Scientist and futurist, Ion Mitchell, rejoins the program to discuss the amazing abilities our body and brain has when functioning properly and put under healthy stress and exercise. Mitchell has worked for leading labs across the country including for NASA. He now runs his own lab and generates products for his own company and for many other companies in the industry. You can learn more about […]

  • Spiritual Warfare, the Big July Event, Mind Control & More.. Sarah Westall on Dr. Jason Dean’s Show

    Sarah Westall joins Dr. Jason Dean on his Brave TV daily show to discuss the ongoing spiritual war we are experiencing. Sarah brings meaning to this reality by providing real examples and shows how the “science” behind this warfare is real. It’s not woo woo and its not only for religious fanatics. It is affecting all of us. She also discusses the big July event predicted to occur and the Mind […]

  • Bloodline Family Control Traced from Ancient Sumeria to Present Day w/ Dean Henderson

    Political analyst and Author Dean Henderson joins the program to discuss his deep research into the bloodline families that have controlled the world, according to Henderson, since the times of ancient Sumeria. He explains the connects in old transcripts including the dead sea scrolls, the Sumerian tablets, and the Bible. He connects ancient history to modern day. You can follow his work on […]

  • Journalist Files Injunction against the CIA, Multi Generation Targeting – Janet Phalen

    Author and independent journalist, Janet Phalen, joins the program to discuss her injunction against the CIA for their ongoing targeting of her person. She claims she her family has been a target of the CIA for decades and it has led to her hospitalization and near death. Her injunction provides credible evidence of her claims. You can learn more about her case […]

  • July’s Big Event: When will it occur? Good vs Evil & Understanding Our Time w/ Philipp, Cru, Roman

    Phillip, Cru and Roman rejoin the program to discuss the very real increase of energy happening right now. Clif High and the Remote Viewing team (Dick Allgire, Edward Riordan, Daz Smith) are correct according to Phillip, Cru and Roman. They claim there is an age old battle of “good vs evil” but this time is different. The “good side” (which is not really 100% accurate way to depict it) has […]

  • Professor Jim Fetzer addresses Alex Jones, Sandy Hook and the Games

    Professor James Fetzer returns to the program to discuss the most banned topic on the internet, the Sandy Hook shooting. Fetzer claims to have proof that the shooting was a false flag. Evidence includes the actual FEMA manual of the event, evidence the school was closed, the FEMA schedule showing the exercise, the FBI stats showing no murders in the area and more. These facts and the additional […]

  • Military Ops in US, Afghanistan, Iraq w/ Former Special Ops Officer Jeff Niklaus

    Former military special operations officer Jeff Niklaus joins the program to discuss his experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. He shares his experience which inspired the Black Hawk down movie and the real life scenario they found themselves part of. He also explains his time as a special operations officer working to end the poppy production in Afghanistan. What really happened behind the scenes. […]

  • Sarah Westall on the Mike Adams Show – Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare

    Sarah Westall joins Mike Adams on his Health Ranger show to discuss the docuseries “Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare” airing on Brighteon University. Here is the series description: Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare by Sarah Westall dives deep into the science and psychology behind mind control tactics and how “they” are using them to control the mass population and influence […]

  • Everything is not as it seems: Tavistock and the Lie Factory w/ Courtenay Turner

    Investigative Journalist, Courtenay Turner, joins the program to take a deep dive into the Tavistock Institute or the Lie Factory. She explains its origins and what it was established to do. She also shares how its research has penetrated deep into most of our public institutions. You can learn more and follow Courtenay Turner at   Links mentioned in the show: […]

  • Who really controls and owns the majority of the United States w/ Dr. Dave Janda

    Dr. Dave Janda returns to the program to discuss who owns most of the world. The fake front men who disguise that ownership and how they manipulate all of us to enrich themselves and their cronies. We also discuss the top down axis vs the left right axis. How that false dichotomy serves to create division so we fight amongst ourselves and never focus on the real issues at hand. Follow Dr. Dave […]

  • Ongoing Operation: Banking Cartel is taking down the Crypto Entrepreneurs w/ Reggie Middleton

    Crypto currency entrepreneur, Reggie Middleton, joins the program to explain the attack on crypto entrepreneurs that is ongoing. How he is specifically being targeted and why him and others in this space are being targeted. Middleton is heavily supported by Veri owners, the same people who the government claims he defrauded. You can learn more and support his cause […]

  • FAKE NEWS ALERT: WHO Treaty was NOT Defeated. Games Ongoing w/ James Roguski

    James Roguski rejoins the program to share the unfortunate news that the WHO amendments have not been defeated. The news circulating throughout the independent media is not accurate. While there may be a few small wins, the amendments were passed and they are even stronger than before. The criminal elite have not stopped and are marching along towards agenda 2030 with even more vigor. The fight […]

  • Next Depopulation Operation, Military Buildup Worldwide, & more w/ Dave Hodges

    Dave Hodges returns to the program to discuss the potential new depopulation agenda the criminal cabal has planned for humanity. Their goals of reducing the population drastically has been widely documented by their own words, documents, whistleblowers and by other means. We also discuss the military buildup worldwide and the controversy surrounding Caitlyn Clark, the female phenom basketball […]

  • Mind Control: Google’s Stated Mission:“Recreating Society Based on Our Values” w/ Dr. Epstein

    Dr. Robert Epstein joins the program to discuss the power Google and other social media companies have over society. It is hidden and most people have no idea. He presents peer reviewed, professional and well structured studies proving what can only be term as “mind control” and manipulation over your thoughts and ideas. He also shares how much power Google has over all elections in every […]

  • The Most Accomplished Person I have Ever Met w/ Dr. Stankus

    Dr. Jennifer Stankus joins the program to share her amazing story from high school drop out to the most accomplished person I have ever met. From world class athlete to military vet, JAG officer, emergency room doc to television phenom, and the list goes on. She is inspirational and helps everyone to comprehend how mind over matter makes a difference. She also shares how, as an expert witness, […]

  • Cults on the Left and Right, Compromised Media, Alex Jones FBI Raid w/ Shannon Joy

    Conservative powerhouse, Shannon Joy, joins the program to discuss the dangerous cult of party and how it is polarizing the country away from solving issues. We discuss the compromised media and the games being played for confusion and effect in this 5th generation war we are living through. You can learn more about Shannon Joy on her website at   Links Mentioned in […]

  • How far will the Deep State Go? w/ Mel K

    Mel K joins the program to discuss how far the Deep State is planning on taking their agenda. She explains what their agenda is and who is behind it. We dive into many geopolitical topics and 5th Generation warfare. You can learn more about Mel K and see her great work at   Links Mentioned in show: Masterpeace: Remove Heavy Metals including Graphene Oxide and […]

  • Why is No One Talking about the Mitre Corporation? The New Manhattan Project w/ Peter Kirby

    Peter Kirby returns to the program to discuss the Mitre Corporation and other topics around the “New Manhattan Project”. He explains what it is and how it relates to geoengineering and the agenda behind it. We also discuss many other topics related to the big agenda at play. You can purchase Peter Kirby’s book, “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project: second edition” […]

  • The Real White Hats? Tactical Civics w/ Bill Ogden

    Bill Ogden, spokesperson for Tactical Civics initiative, joins the program to explain what him and his organization is actually doing to take back the country. This group is dedicated, county by county, to restoring our constitution. They are laser focused on tactical efforts that will move the needle towards this end. You can learn more about them at   Links […]

  • False Flag Operations, Ongoing Karma Clues w/ world’s top expert Ole Dammegard

    Ole Dammegard is considered the world’s expert on false flag operations. He rejoins the program to discuss some of the latest false flags and more importantly, how we can identify them as they occur. He also shares incredible information about the patterns he finds in these operations, the clues they leave about future false flags and what the intentions are of the perpetrators. You can learn […]

  • Battlefield Weapons Deployed on Civilians, Drone Technology, DEW and AI w/ Chris Heaven

    Chris Heaven, CEO of Survival Dispatch, joins the program to discuss the developments in military weapons including drone technology. The advancements in technology continue to outpace the military’s ability to defend itself from an attack. He shares how these weapons are being used on civilians more and more for different agendas. You can learn more about Heaven and his work […]

  • Mercenary Armies: The Deep State’s Tool for Domination w/ Morgan Lerette

    Former mercenary for Blackwater, Morgan Lorette, joins the program to discuss his time working as a mercenary in the middle east. He shares what some of his experiences were while being a paid for hire soldier. We also discuss how mercenary armies are managed and used by the deep state. You can buy his book, “Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq” on Amazon […]

  • Military and Intelligence Expert: Who is behind the 5th Gen Warfare w/ Dr. Kirshnan

    Professor of Intelligence and expert on 5th Generation warfare, Dr. Armin Kirshnan, joins the program to discuss who is behind the chaos and technocratic war we are living through. We discuss the end goals and how the deep state plays a part in the plan. We discuss how serious this situation is for all people on the planet and how awareness is key to solving the problem. The more people who are […]

  • NEW SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE: Disney & Warner Brothers Stole the Matrix Screenplay

    The original creator behind the concept of the Matrix Trilogy, Thomas Althouse, returns to the program with new evidence proving his screen play and original concepts behind the Matrix trilogy was stolen. According to Althouse, and many others who have come forward, steeling screenplays is not unique to him. Unfortunately this is more of a common practice than is widely known or understood by the […]

  • Tired of Sick & Dark: Former Disney Insiders Changing Hollywood w/ Davy Liu & Meri Crouley

    Former Disney animator, Davy Liu, and founder of Destiny Studios Meri Crouley, joins the program to share their plan to create a new wholesome family oriented animated motion picture to rival Disney and Pixar without the propaganda. Davy Liu is an experienced animator who has worked on the Lion King, Mulan and others. His team of former Disney and Dreamworks animators have the experience and […]

  • We are Living in the Truman Show, Endless Wars, Endless Lies, JFK’s Murder w/ Dr Jerome Corsi

    Dr. Jerome Corsi joins the program to discuss new evidence showing the indisputable facts that the president was murdered by the Deep State. We also discuss the Truman Show weirdness that are living in with the endless lies, endless wars and propaganda. You can purchase a copy of Dr. Corsi’s book, “The Final Analysis” at […]

  • Federal Income Tax Scam, It’s not what you think w/ Freedom Law School, Peymon Mottahedeh

    Peymon Mottahedeh founder of the Freedom Law School joins the program to discuss how he helps people safely stop paying federal taxes. He explains why its a scam and how the constitution and the law does not support it. Many people talk about this, but he stands by his words so completely that his organization guarantees you will be safe by covering legal fees and costs if there are […]

  • Attack on Beef Suppliers, Bug Protein already in many Products, Legislation Against Amazon

    Alan Pariser, entrepreneur and member of the Freedom Buying Club, joins the program to discuss the current attack on the beef suppliers in the United States. We also discuss how bug protein is in many products already on the shelves in America without people even knowing what they are buying. Lastly we discuss the issues with Amazon. You can learn more about the Freedom Buying Club at […]

  • Turbo Cancers Skyrocket as Doctors are Persecuted for Having “Cures” w/ John Richardson

    John Richardson joins the program to discuss his father’s incredible journey with an effective treatment for cancer. His father was a medical doctor who learned that Apricot pits significantly help to reduce cancer. He thought the innocent practice of helping people live longer and healthier was a good thing. But in this backwards world, those that make huge strides in reducing cancer are […]

  • Impending Revolution, Lies will Trigger Institutional Collapse w/ Christopher James

    Christopher James returns to the program to discuss the planned chaos being subjected onto our countries. We discuss how TikTok has become a tool for the younger generation to learn truths not otherwise seen in the media and why this is the real reason they are aiming to ban the platform. He also shares how he has helped others safely to get out of the corporate system. Lastly we discuss why […]

  • Zionists & Endless wars, Depopulation Agendas, Globalist Takeover of Governments w/ Harley Schlanger

    Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the endless wars and the Zionist agenda overtaking the western world. We also discuss who is behind the depopulation agenda and the hypocritical green agenda that only serves to control people, not to help the environment. You can follow Harley and his daily updates at   Links Mentioned in […]

  • Dangerous Massive Scam Exposed: Putting You & Your House at Risk

    John Cruz joins the program to share how he became entangled in lawsuits against AllState, the giant insurance company. He explains how he caught AllState selling personal identity information of its customers including SSN, address, and other data. This is highly illegal and puts their customers in a vulnerable position for their house and other assets to be easily taken by criminals. He […]

  • Cabal’s attack on Independent Journalists using Intel Agencies & NGOs – Sarah Westall on Dave Janda’s Operation Freedom Show

    Sarah Westall joins Dave Janda on his show Operation Freedom to discuss the cabals shut down of independent journalists using intelligence agencies and NGO’s directed by the United Nations and other globalist groups. We also discuss the isolation that Israel and the United States finds itself geopolitically based on the mounting death toll of innocent civilians in Gaza. You can see more of Dave […]

  • Professional Agitators Fuel Dissent & U.S. enters Dangerous Times w/ Rudy Giuliani

    Rudy Giuliani originally joined the program to discuss his problems with the weaponized justice system but the show ended up being an entirely different discussion. Rudy just returned from a protest on the Columbia University campus where professional agitators fueled extreme chaos amongst protestors against the Palestinian/Israel conflict. Rudy was highly charged and disagreed with Sarah’s […]

  • Surging Farmer Protests, Suicides High, Global Food Chain Under Attack w/ Marjory Wildcraft

    Marjory Wildcraft returns to the program to discuss news from around the world regarding farmers, protests and suicides. The attacks on our food supply throughout the western world has increased and farmers are at their breaking point. Countries in Europe and Australia appear to be under more stress than the United States at this time, but more red flags are emerging in the U.S. as well. Marjory […]

  • Causing Paralysis on Purpose, Deathly Injectables and more w/ Dr. Diane Kazer

    Dr. Diane Kazer joins the program to discuss failures within the medical system. She has been pointing out doozies like the practice of purposing causing paralysis to nano chips in dental implants to deadly injectables in beauty products. The crazy list of bad medicine is long. You can follow her work and join Dr. Diane’s MasterMind Tribe for only $1 at   […]

  • War Games & Capturing Your Childs Mind w/ Alex Newman

    Alex Newman rejoins the program to discuss the nefarious intentions behind almost all wars. It’s a game which they play on both sides. We discuss how to see through the smoke and mirrors and what we must do to avoid being manipulated into giving up our rights, which is their ultimate goal. You can follow Alex Newman or buy his book, “Indoctrinating our Children to Death” […]

  • Medical Kidnapping: Saving Little Autumn; $2.2 Million Hospital Windfall

    Hope Schachter, mother of Autumn Schall, and Health advocate and RN, Gail Macrae, join the program to share their incredible story fighting to save little Autumn Schall. They explain how an E-Coli issue turned into an ongoing saga of misdiagnosis followed by treatments that almost killed little Autumn. The incredible incompetence also included Child Protection Services as a means of bullying by […]

  • New Intel: Internet Takedown, Massive Purge, Weaponizing “Democratic Institutions” w/ Dave Hodges

    Dave Hodges returns to the program to disclose his investigative work into how they plan on shutting down the internet via psychological operations. The plan is to protect the US “democratic institutions” by shutting down opposition speech, thereby regaining the control of the narrative within the masses. You can follow and learn more about Dave Hodges on his website […]

  • Economic Armageddon, Forced CBDC, BRICS, and more w/ Andy Schectman

    Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin, joins the program to discuss the orchestrated takedown of the United States economy. He explains how some of the moves are so dumb, that there is no doubt it is on purpose to destroy the United States and the western financial system. He believes its a plot to force the eventual adoption of CBDC on an unsuspecting public. Learn more how you can convert […]

  • 5th Generation Warfare & Mind Control Being Used Against You w/ Hope & Tivon

    Hope and Tivon, founders of Fix the World Morocco, join the program to discuss 5th generational warfare. What it is and how it is being used against you and your family. We discuss tactics and what the goals are behind these warfare techniques. They also discuss the harmful effects of EMFs and how their EMF mitigation devices can help you sleep better and feel better overall. Learn more […]

  • Globalist Plot to Centralize World Food Production, 400 Year Earth Cycle w/ David Dubyne

    David Dubyne joins me to explain the 400 year weather cycle that may fundamentally change our planet. He explains that the shadow governments around the world understand these cycles and have agendas to manipulate them for their own purpose. He also shares globalist plans to centralize the world’s food supply in an insane plan for control. You can learn more about David Dubyne and follow is work […]

  • Evidence Exposed: Are we being Poisoned on Purpose? w/ Mansfield & Hazen

    Naturopath Caroline Mansfield and Matt Hazen join the program to discuss evidence of toxins and poisons in organic soils, air, water, food, and pretty much everywhere. Mansfield explains how this is affecting mental health, such as anxiety and depression as well as many other diseases and ailments. Both explain the trial results using MasterPeace to detox aluminum and other toxins in urine and […]

  • New Attacks: Change Coming as People Question Zionism Worldwide w/ Ryan Cristian

    Journalist and Founder of The Last American Vagabond (TLAV), joins the program to discuss Zionism, the changing geopolitical world, forever wars, Ukraine and more. We also discuss the latest attack against independent journalism and his organization in particular. You can help Ryan and others save TLAV at or support his work by subscribing and following their […]

  • Giants were Real: Human DNA in Giant Mud Fossils w/ Roger Spurr

    Researcher Roger Spurr joins the program to discuss his amazing discoveries into giant fossils. He has performed DNA testing and CAT scans with various labs to prove that the fossils are of human origin. Some of his findings are so incredible, most of us have a hard time wrapping our head around his data. You can follow Roger Spurr at MudFossilUniversity on Youtube or see his academic articles […]

  • Michael Collins returns to send the World a Message – Easter Rising 2024

    Friends in Ireland have sent us a video (see below) from an underground activist group sending a message using an AI rendering of Ireland’s famous freedom fighter, Michael Collins. The initial message on the first clip of the video includes Collin’s message to his people: It is not to political leaders our people must look, but to themselves. Leaders are but individuals, and individuals are […]

  • New Info on the Baltimore Bridge, Military Buildup and more w/ Dave Hodges

    Dave Hodges returns to the show to discuss new intel on the Baltimore Bridge. Why was there two ships? Also we discuss how the bridge affects the shipping lanes and ports. We also discuss how Ukraine is ready to fall and that NATO is ready to engage. What that could mean to the military here and abroad. You can follow Dave Hodges on his website at   Links mentioned in […]

  • War on US Soil w/ Department of Defense opposing Attorney Todd Calender

    Attorney Todd Calender rejoins the program to discuss the current state of war in the United States and in the world. He shares what this may mean legally and what we should prepare for. We also discuss his recent testimony in the Croatian parliament and what other governments officials are doing to end the ongoing crimes against humanity that have been committed and continue to be committed […]

  • New Paradigms, Time Travel, Building of the Pyramids, Accelerated Aging & more w/ Richard Lighthouse

    Scientist Richard Lighthouse rejoins the show to discuss his theories on advanced physics. He believes his theories could explain how time travel is possible, how the pyramids could have been built and how accelerated aging and reverse aging is possible. He shows examples and charts to help people understand what could be possible. You can see more information to help you understand his work […]

  • Are the Justices Compromised? Missouri vs Biden & Stand Firm Now w/ Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Dr Christiane Northrup joins the program to discuss Missouri vs Biden which had oral arguments this week. We discuss the absolute disgrace on display as many of the justices asked questions that appeared to show their lack of understanding of the case, the 1st amendment or their duty to the country. We also discuss her view of this time and where we can find hope in the chaos. You can follow Dr […]

  • Who was Walter Russell? Why Methylene Blue Benefits are Temporary w/ Ian Mitchell

    Chief Scientist at Wizard Laboratories, Ian Mitchell, joins the program to discuss the amazing discoveries of Walter Russell, the scientist even Tesla admired. Why did people fear him and why was his science so much more advanced than anything we have seen to date? Why is his version of the periodic table more accurate than the one many scientists use today? Those are questions we discuss during […]

  • New Analysis: Michelle Obama, Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Plus who is Sharry Edwards?

    Sharry Edwards, founder of Bioacoustic Medicine, rejoins the program to share her latest analysis of Michelle Obama, Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab. She then also explains her amazing ability to hear 200x better than the average human. Lastly we discuss her dream of creating bioacoustics centers in every town in the world. You can learn more about Sharry Edwards at   […]

  • How they are using Geoengineering as a Weapon of War w/ James Lee

    James Lee, one of the world’s top experts on geoengineering, joins the program to explain what is actually going on. Listeners may be surprised to learn how many chemicals are being dumped on all of us, our farmland, and our forests, nonstop. We discuss how it can and is being used as a weapon of war and why it’s important for it to stop. You can follow James Lee on his websites […]

  • Graphene Oxide & Heavy Metals are Literally Everywhere w/ Dr. Young & Hazen

    Dr. Robert Young and Matt Hazen join the program to discuss why graphene oxide is so critical to get out of your body. Dr. Young explains the science and how heavy metals, such as graphene oxide, micro plastics and other forever chemicals are not only in the jab, but literally falling from the sky. Lastly we discuss why MasterPeace is the best solution so far to remove graphene oxide and other […]

  • Tracking Devices & Micro Chips in Dental Work, Dermal Fillers, & Breast Implants w/ Dr. Kazer

    Dr. Diane Kazer joins the program to discuss the myriad of ways Big Pharma is inserting tracking devices such as micro chips into dental work and breast implants. She also discusses the incredible dangers with dermal fillers and botox. This is a long conversation that was finished on Substack for my members. You can see that at If you are interested in learning […]

  • Depopulation: Native Population decreased 60M to 800K – This is the Plan for US w/ Marjory Wildcraft

    Marjory Wildcraft rejoins the program to discuss the very real situation with our food supply. She shares that food has been a weapon of war used against the people since the beginning of history. We discuss the population decline of the Native Americans in North America from 60M to 800K and how food and other means were used for that purpose. This is coming for us if we do not understand the […]

  • Humans are not Capable of this Much Evil w/ Naomi Wolf

    Dr. Naomi Wolf returns to the program to discuss her latest efforts to clean up the voting system and the shenanigans which followed. Incredible efforts to ensure the failed rigged system continues at the expense of all the citizens. She also discusses how other countries have begun to ban the COVID jab for kids. Not enough, but a good first step towards stopping a very dangerous product from […]

  • Study Results: Graphene Oxide is in ALL of our Blood w/ Christopher James

    Christopher James returns to the program to discuss the need to dismantle the current justice system and to replace it with common law courts for the people. He explains why the current system is so broken and why it needs to be dismantled for the sake of all people. We also discuss the latest studies showing that graphene oxide and other heavy metals are in all of our blood and why it’s […]

  • Institutionalize Mafia Control is Our Reality – Follow the Money w/ James Roguski

    Health activist, James Roguski, rejoins the program to discuss the latest developments with the WHO treaty. The organization is not following their own rules and are already funding and implementing the worldwide institutional development as if the treaty has already passed. We go through the 12 reasons why humanity needs to stop the treaty. Some of the reasons you may already know, others may be […]

  • Is King Charles Cancer an Excuse to Remove Him from Power? w/ Kevin Annett

    Activist and former minister, Kevin Annett, rejoins the program to discuss his deep research into the British Royal family, the Vatican, and the global cabal. His work exposing Indian residential schools blew open the tragic practice of ethic cleansing, ritual abuse, and other horrific practices by the Vatican and the Royal families. He has been nominated 3 times for the Nobel Peace prize and has […]

  • Cabal Steals 84% of Patents, Inventors & Investors Moving to China – w/ Landreneau

    Randy Landreneau, President and co-founder of US Inventor, joins the program to raise the alarm on the stealing and loss of innovation in America. He documents the ongoing war against inventors waged by the criminal elite against the little guy with the help of the U.S. Government. He also informs listeners on how this racket is causing hordes of patent holders and investors to move to a more […]

  • Mind Control & Psyops on College Campuses, Racist Cultural Appropriations – Will Witt

    Author and activist, Will Witt, joins the program to discuss his experiences on college campuses. How the young generation has been indoctrinated and led astray on many issues. He shares his experiences recording hundreds of walk and talk videos with college students. His work on a whole host of issues has exposed the illogical ideas currently festering at American schools across the country. You […]

  • Illuminati: Rituals, Geopolitics, the Vatican, Skull & Bones, Free Masonry w/ Leo Zagami

    Leo Zagami, renown Illuminati researcher, joins the show to share his deep experience and knowledge of the Illuminati and other secret societies. He shares his family experience, which is closely tied to the Queen Mother of England, and other experiences to inform listeners with inside information about secret societies and how the global elite use them to shape world culture and to gain power. […]

  • Sudden Deaths Accelerating? Tipping Point on Horizon w/ Dr. Makis

    Dr. William Makis, expert in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology, joins the program to share his incredible experience creating much more effective cancer treatments only to see his work be taken over and shut down by Canada. Fortunately, top cancer institutions in the United States do allow his life saving treatments, but only at stage 4, not initially which would ease suffering, cost less […]

  • Global Cabal is Losing: Will they Push for Civil War? w/ Seth Holehouse

    Seth Holehouse rejoins the program to discuss the ongoing war against the cabal. He is optimistic and believes we are winning, although there will be rough times ahead. We also ponder whether the cabal will push for civil war and other shenanigans the cabal may push on the people. You can follow Seth Holehouse on many platforms at   Links mentioned in the show: […]

  • Seeing Entities & Energies Outside our Vision Spectrum, Frequency Manipulation & more

     Researchers, Bonnie and John Mitchell, join the program to discuss the unseen and how that effects our daily lives. Just because you cannot see something, does not mean it does not exist. We discuss dicyanin, the dark blue dye that was pulled from the market and reclassified as above top secret. This dye enabled people to see energies not normally seen within our narrow eyesight band. So why […]

  • Government Busing Military Aged Men Crossing Border to Towns Across US w/ Ann Vandersteel

    Independent journalist, Ann Vandersteel, joins the program to discuss her deep investigation into the activities occurring at the border, in Panama and across the country. Her investigation uncovers the ties to Panama and the military aged men that are literally being bused to towns across the country. Her team is not satisfied with the government talking points and wants America to know the […]

  • Beyond Nanobots: How they can track every person on Earth w/ Lighthouse & Toledo

    Richard Lighthouse and Ana Toledo from Targeted Justice join the program to explain the many ways people are being targeted, harassed, and essentially the lab rats for the cabal’s weapon developments and research. Lighthouse, is an engineer with a master degree from Stanford and has experience with NASA and over 20 years in the energy field. Toledo is an attorney who has been fighting for justice […]

  • Analysis of the ICJ Ruling on Genocide in Gaza w/ Prof. Francis Boyle

    Professor Francis Boyle joins the program to discuss the Genocide in Gaza and the ruling by the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ruling deals with the filing by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza against the Palestian people. Many consider Boyle to be the foremost expert in the world on the ICJ concerning genocide. He was the first person in history to win a case against […]

  • Strategic Initiatives and Targeted Lawfare, War on the Political Battlefield w/ Jake Duesenberg

    Activist and founder of Action4Liberty, Jake Duesenberg, rejoins the program to discuss his thoughts on the country and the battles we must fight to restore our freedoms and liberties. While its not an easy task, his organization has been far more successful than most other organizations nationwide in this endeavor. You can learn more about his organization at or follow […]

  • Psyops at the Border, Russia Claims US Elections Won’t Happen w/ Dave Hodges

    Investigative journalist, Dave Hodges, joins the program to discuss the potential psyop at the border. He shares his thoughts on why and how they are using the border standoff as a means to bring chaos and civil war to the United States. While the problems at the border are real, neither side in this confrontation appear to be sincere in their efforts to stop the crimes at the border. We will […]

  • The New Human: Transhumanism, Disease X & the Intra-Body Network w/ Kent Lewiss

    Are you ready for human 2.0? Kent Lewiss returns to the program to discuss his latest report on transhumanism and what the crazy lunatics at the WHO, DARPA and the WEF want for humanity. He goes through his research and explains what is coming if we do not stop it. Eugenist. Yuval Harrari, said in 2018 that we have at most 15 years before humans will lose their free will. Are you ready to help […]

  • Polluting our Skies, our Bodies and our Minds w/ Reinette Senum

    Reinette Seinum returns to the program to discuss the many ways the criminal cult works to break down our environment. We discuss the chemtrails in the skies, the toxins that are polluting our bodies and the ongoing assaults and psyops that are messing with our minds. You can learn more about Reinette’s ongoing initiatives to stop the chemtrails and to regain control of our own bodies, minds and […]

  • Stranger than Fiction: The Inverted Ritual Behind COVID w/ Stephen Crimi

    Stephen Crimi, Editor of Logosophia Books, joins the program to share his research into the occult and the strange ritual that was COVID. He traces history back to ancient Greece to uncover the ceremonies and rituals of the global cabal today. He uncovers the meanings behind their symbols, ceremonies and behaviors. You can buy Stephen Crimi’s books at   Links […]

  • The Great Taking – How they Plan on Taking ALL of Your Assets w/ David Webb

    Investment expert and author of “The Great Taking”, David Webb, joins the program to discuss what he calls, the Great Taking: the scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt. You can download the free pdf of his book at Watch David Webb’s documentary explaining the book […]

  • The Science behind Psychic Abilities plus Hunter Biden’s Agenda w/ Sharry Edwards

    Sharry Edwards rejoins the program to discuss the science behind psychic abilities. Many people believe this ability is either magic or not real. Edwards corrects the misinformation surrounding psychic abilities and shows there are scientific reasons why people have these amazing abilities. We also discuss Hunter Biden’s changed agenda regarding his father, Joe Biden. Lastly she discusses her […]

  • Secretary Becerra: “Vaccines are Killing People of Color… at Twice the Rate of Whites” – Ron Owens

    Recently retired California Public Information Officer and whistleblower, Ron Owens, joins the program to discuss his experience working within California’s public health agency during COVID which is under the Department of Health and Human Services. His experience is eye opening and exposes the purposeful concealment of important information the public needed to know to make informed decisions. […]

  • Defund the International Criminal Court & Create a New Nuremberg Court for Humanity

    Founder of the international organization, the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada, rejoins the program to discuss the need to develop a new international criminal court that is actually a real legit court not controlled by the most powerful and corrupt people in the world. She also shares her perspectives as a Russian citizen on the war in Ukraine and in Gaza. You can learn more about […]

  • FDA Blocks Real Solutions & Protects Failed Medicine w/ Dr. Dean

    Dr. Jason Dean joins the program to discuss serious corruption issues within the FDA. We cover the many flagrant abuses and how the FDA has been weaponized to destroy businesses who provide real solutions to the public whose main crime was to take business away from big pharma and other powerful interests. Lastly we discuss the fact that most people have a parasite problem that is affecting their […]

  • Obama’s Movie, Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 Year One of the NWO w/ Alexandra Bruce

    Investigative journalist, Alexandra Bruce, rejoins the program to discuss the strange frequencies infused into the latest Netflix movie produced by the Obamas. We also discuss the Trilateral Commission’s declaration that the first year of the New World Order was 2023. What does that mean? Plus we discuss Bruce’s top news items. You can follow Alexandra Bruce at […]

  • Excess Deaths coming in 2024 w/ Ed Dowd

    Wall Street economist and researcher, Ed Dowd, joins the program to discuss the excess deaths we have experienced over the last few years. But he also discusses what we may see in 2024. We also tap into his vast experience in investments and the economy to hear his opinion about the state of the economy. You can purchase Ed Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 […]

  • Communism: The Most Powerful System of Control Ever Created

    Author and Director, Julie Behling, joins the program to discuss the history of death and genocide in the wake of communism. She shares how various groups of people were persecuted, especially Christians, during the Russian revolution and during Soviet Russia’s communist reign of terror. Behling has been studying the dark side of communism for decades and her work has been made into a book and a […]

  • Did the Office of Military Settlements Pay Off the National Debt?

    Dr. Three Rivers and Howard Bertram rejoin the program to discuss a bombshell UCC filing by the Office of Military Settlements. We also discuss the bizarre UCC filing for 14QaudTrillion dollars that was filed by the DOD and the UCC filing by Dr. 3 Rivers to counter. Lastly we discuss the Missouri vs Biden case and the fact that Sarah Westall was added as a “person of interest” and a whistleblower […]

  • United Nations, UNESCO, Global Tyranny – Sarah Westall on Dan Happel’s Show

    Sarah Westall joins Dan Happel’s show to discuss UNESCO and the global tyranny. We discuss how the United Nations rarely means what they say and how their latest actions is evidence of their desire for world domination via oppression of the masses. They should not be followed or funded by anyone wanting true justice, freedom and dignity for others. You can follow Dan Happel on his website […]

  • Neurowarfare: The Brain is the Battlefield – 2023 False Flags Conference

    2023 False Flags and Conspiracy Theories presentation by Sarah Westall. This is “Part 3” on the topic of Mind Control, Psyops and Censorship. The presentation reviews the basic elements covered in part 1 and part 2 and dives further into the technology that exists to control your mind. Learn more about the 2023 conference at […]

  • Cycles of Humanity – End of the Kali Yuga: Making Sense of our Time w/ Ian Ferguson

    Astrologer and researcher, Ian Ferguson, joins the program to discuss his theories on human development as it relates to astrology and the current cycle of humanity. We discuss the end of the Kali Yuga period and what that means to modern civilization. You can follow Ian Ferguson at   Links mentioned in the show: Help fight human trafficking while boosting your […]

  • Side Effects and Lawsuits will take down the mRNA Producers w/ Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo

    One of the bravest doctors in the country, Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, joins the program to discuss his new book “Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health”. We also discuss the situation that is quickly forming against the mRNA producing companies due to the massive side effects and new and ongoing lawsuits. Lastly we discuss his personal situation and […]

  • New 10 Commandments Created to Form One World Religion w/ Alex Newman

    Investigative journalist and senior editor of the New American, Alex Newman, rejoins the program to discuss his latest trip to Dubai where the globalist had their latest climate conference. During this event they also met to discuss the new one world religion they are working to create and brainwash the world to follow. You can learn more about Alex Newman and his work at […]

  • Prosecuting Judges: Blackmail, Bribery, Money Laundering, Racketeering w/ John Thaler

    Investigator and Attorney, John Thaler, returns to the program to discuss the incredible level of corruption that he uncovered in his 26 state investigation. He uncovered blackmail, bribery, money laundering, racketeering and more amongst judges, politicians, and others in positions of authority. You can buy his book and see thousands of source documents proving his claims […]

  • Hollywood & Government: Corruption & Conspiracies w/ Hollywood Insider Thomas Althouse

    Screenwriter Thomas Althouse rejoins the program to discuss the treachery he has personally witnessed and suffered through within Hollywood. Althouse is the original screenwriter of the Matrix Trilogy which was stolen back in the early 90’s. He has been fighting now for almost 3 decades to get credit for his original work. Althouse has proven to millions of people now worldwide who have seen […]

  • The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs & other Conspiracies w/ Matthew Ehret

    Researcher and cofounder of the Rising Tide Foundation, Matthew Ehret, joins the program to discuss his work researching the hidden hand behind UFOs and other conspiracy theories. Him and his team have been creating documentaries focusing on topics from UFOs to the origins of America’s secret police and so much more. You can learn more about Matthew Ehret and their work […]

  • MIT declares Economic Collapse is Imminent w/ Martin Armstrong

    Geopolitical and economic expert, Martin Armstrong, joins the program to discuss the upcoming imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar and the western monetary system. We discuss monetary history to help us understand what we are dealing with today. You can learn more about Martin Armstrong on his website at     Links mentioned in the show: Sign up for […]

  • Military & Intelligence Sources Warn Americans w/ Dave Hodges

    Investigative journalist, Dave Hodges, returns to the program to discuss the intel he is receiving from his military and intelligence sources. The consistent intel is that Americans need to prepare for more chaos and possible attacks on U.S. soil. Hodges will explain that and we will also discuss the Thaler/Breger investigation that exposes the control structure that enables this anti American […]

  • What’s Out There?? NASA Manipulates Feeds & the Dangers of AI w/ Dani Arnold

    Researcher and activist, Dani Arnold, returns to the program to share her findings on what is occurring in space. She discusses how NASA changes the feeds when something inconvenient is on display. We also discuss the real dangers of Artificial Intelligence and how it can also be useful. You can learn more or follow Dani Arnold at     Mentioned in the show: Sorry, the give […]

  • The Grand Plan for Gaza w/ Max Igan

    Max Igan returns to the program to discuss Gaza and the Israeli onslaught that is ongoing. We discuss the strange, some say impossible, incompetency of the Israeli government on October 7th to stop the brutal assault of innocent Israelis followed by the total destruction of Gaza (not Hamas) and mass murder/genocide of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. This topic is personal to Igan who […]

  • Children are Born Creative Geniuses: Negative Effects of “Schooling” w/ Chad Stewart

    Professor and Author, Chad Stewart, joins the program to discuss his international bestselling Britfield series of books for children. He shares how his blockbuster series taps into the natural creativity of children. We also discuss the well documented destruction of creativity and critical thinking that the U.S. educational system “schools” out of children. This is a timely discussion on the […]

  • WHO & Gates Unleash Millions of Mosquitos in 12 Unsuspecting Countries

    Activist, Frances Micklem, and former Deputy Minister of Indonesia, Richard Claproth, join the program to discuss the massive mosquito program that has been unleashed in 12 countries. They share what they know about the program and how it is affecting the local residents. We also discuss how the WHO amendments and the full treaty will enable the WHO to implement programs like this one in every […]

  • Pt 2: Clif High Returns: Aliens, Antarctica, the Big Event and even more Chaos is coming (1of2)

    Clif High returns to the show to discuss his latest analysis and projects. Based on his famed Alta Reports, he shares predictions on the Big Event and the chaos that is still to come. We also discuss Antarctica and what could be occurring in that region. Lastly we discuss Aliens and their role in shaping human history and today. This is a long three part interview. The third part can be seen on […]

  • Clif High Returns: Aliens, Antarctica, the Big Event and even more Chaos is coming (1of2)

    Clif High returns to the show to discuss his latest analysis and projects. Based on his famed Alta Reports, he shares predictions on the Big Event and the chaos that is still to come. We also discuss Antarctica and what could be occurring in that region. Lastly we discuss Aliens and their role in shaping human history and today. This is a long three part interview. The third part can be seen on […]

  • CIA Cabal Controls the Narrative via Hollywood & the MSM – Hollywood Insider Scotty Saks

    Hollywood insider, Scotty Saks, joins the program to discuss his experience in Hollywood and the control structure behind the industry. He shares his time working with Johny Cash, James Brown, HBO, ESPN, the mainstream media and many others. You can follow Scott Saks on his website at   Mentioned in the show: Enter to win the EMF protecting H.E.A.L. Capsule […]

  • FBI Targets Veterans & Grandmas while Ignoring Real Criminals w/ FBI NSA Whistleblower Nate Cain

    Federally protected FBI whistleblower Nate Cain, rejoins the program to discuss the out of control FBI and intelligence agencies. He shares what he has seen first hand in the bureau and what is actually occurring. He shares his personal story of abuse as a whistleblower, from being poisoned twice to being barred from making a living. A typical story of a true patriot wanting honor and integrity […]

  • The Bigger Agenda Behind the Gaza Massacre w/ Todd Callender

    Todd Callender rejoins the program to discuss the situation in Gaza and Israel. We also discuss the bigger geopolitical picture and what the greater agenda is behind the Israeli efforts in Gaza. On this same vein, we discuss the BRICs and Belt and Road Initiative. You can follow Todd Callendar at     As mentioned on the show: Help rebuild America and your independence […]

  • More Amazing Trial Results: Incredible Healing Powers of Quantum Energy w/ Ian & Philipp

    Scientists, Ian Mitchell and Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling, rejoin the program to share more amazing results from their ongoing trials. You will hear about it’s power to regenerate tissue, protect and reverse the damages from EMF, dissolve the spike protein, protect against allergies, and so much more. The future is amazing knowing this is all coming for humanity. Learn more and purchase your […]

  • World Exclusive: New Sacred Geometry Discovery w/ Charlie Ziese

    Researcher, Charlie Ziese, returns to the program to share his new sacred geometry discovery that could have significant worldwide implications. Also learn what sacred geometry is and how it is a basic building block for almost everything we see in nature, science, medicine and more. Ziese’s discovery could change the way we look at ancient structures. Learn more about Charlie Ziese’s work […]

  • Incoming Famine, Food as a Weapon of War w/ Marjory Wildcraft

    Grow Network founder, Marjory Wildcraft, rejoins the program to discuss the incoming famine that is projected to sweep through the United States and the western world as supply chains breakdown and inflation continues to soar. We discuss solutions and resources for people to thrive no matter what hits our soil. Don’t forget to take advantage of Marjory’s free grow seminar […]

  • Mass Genocide ongoing, War is a Racket and COVID was and is a Scam – Sarah Westall w/ Dr. Dave Janda

    Sarah Westall joins Dave Janda on his show Operation Freedom to discuss the war in Israel and the ongoing mass genocide in Gaza. We also discuss how it is impossible for Israel’s supreme intelligence service and military to be caught off guard for hours while Israels were brutally murdered.  We lastly discuss the obvious efforts to start World War 3 by the .000001% controlling our world. You […]

  • Sidestepping all Laws in Space, Space Wars and “Full Spectrum Dominance” w/ Corey Lynn

    Independent journalist, Corey Lynn, rejoins the program to discuss her deep dive into the activities going on in space. We discuss how they are using space as a way to sidestep laws. There are no laws in space and this is what they are banking on to implement otherwise illegal activities. We discuss all of this and a lot more. You can learn more about Corey Lynn and her work […]

  • Attacks Imminent – 80K U.S. Enemies Ready in Sleeper Cells w/ JJ Carrell

    Former Border Patrol Agent, JJ Carrell, joins the program to discuss the serious situation that has developed due to the incredible malfeasance at the border. He explains that over 80K special interest military aged men and woman from countries and organizations not friendly with the U.S. has entered the country. He claims that the handling of special interest immigrants changed under Biden. […]

  • “Old Testament tells Story of Alien Human Origins” w/ Paul Wallis – Part 2

    Paul Anthony Wallis, a senior Churchman, served 33 years as an Archdeacon, a church doctor and a Theological Educator in the Anglican Church. As a researcher and author he began to realize the original texts did not align with the current interpretations. His series of books outlines what he believes are the original true meanings of the ancient biblical texts. He believes that specifically the […]